Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Another interesting place that you'll can visit while in Perak is Menara Condong that are located at Teluk Intan. Teluk Intan is one of the largest city in Hilir Perak and Menara Condong has become as a landmark of Teluk Intan. Another city that are nearer with Teluk Intan is Sabak Barnam, Bagan Datoh, Bidor, Kampar, Tapah ang Lumut.

Everybody who come to Teluk Intan will not miss the opportunity to visit one of the uniqueness of Perak, which is Menara Condong. Before this Menara Condong known as Jam Tinggi that was build at 1885 as a water storage tank and also as a Time Keeper for their local community.

Basically, this building was build in a normal condition and straight vertically.But after a big flood, the structure of this building has start skewed around 1889. One of the reason why it is happen is because it was built on soft soil structure and at the same time there is the burden of the water tank which caused a slight incline towards the southwest.

The pagoda shape of this building has the ability to amazed every eyes that see it coz it juz fantastic, also with the shape of "tudung saji" at its roof. 

opps, before entering tu why not get some of the information available at the entrance. hehee.

So, to those of you that seems curious, interested.. what are you guys waiting for.. come on, lets Perak lah kita. 

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